Lions Club Fish Fry
March 09, 2022
The LaGrange Lions Club held a fish fry on March 4. The next fish fry will be held March 18. Due to the rising costs of food and paper products the next fish fry will have a price increase to $12 for an adult. At each dinner event, the Lions Club offers a donation to non-profit groups willing to help serve and clean up during and after the event.
The Splash Station swimming pool organization was this week’s helpers. Volunteers from the group are pictured (top left) (l-r) Jill Luebbenhusen, Chantel Gaus, Chuck and Michelle Gnuse, and Jennifer Rottman, Splash Station volunteers not pictured include Alexis Davis, Riley Jacklyn and Rylyn Pryor, Tim and Lucas Pryor. The Splash Station Pool is located in Ewing.
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