
March 6, 2025 update


Now’s your chance to help residents improve quality of life.
RNA position
Must be CNA certified for at least 6 month high school or GED diploma, willing to take classes if not already certified as a Restorative Aide.
Please apply at 17528 State Hwy 81, Canton MO
Join the Team Today!

Job Position openings:
Nursing Department w/sign on bonus.
Full/Part Time: RN/LPN/CNA/NA
Major Healthcare packages, Life Insurance coverage, Cafeteria Plans, Paid time off.
Please apply at 17528 State Hwy 81, Canton MO


LaBelle Manor Care Center has openings for CNA staff, all shifts.
Will train on sight. For more information or application please call
(660) 213-3234 or you may stop by the business office Mon.-Fri. 8 am - 4 pm.   EOE MFHV 


Lazyman Deer Blinds - Generation 2
Penthouse $1649.95, Fat Girl Bow or Combo $1999.95.
Heindselman Family Farms
660-341-5692 /

Fish for Stocking
Pond catfish, grass carp, crappie, bluegill, redear bass, and fathead minnow. Heindselman Family Farms  660 341 5692       tf


FOR RENT            

STORAGE UNITS - available in LaGrange starting at $35.00 per month. 573-655-4457.                           (tf)

LaBelle Sr. Housing 1 bedroom, well-kept apartments for rent, income based rent, includes utilities, refrigerator and range. Quiet atmosphere. On site laundry facilities. Contact Amy Parrish, P.O. Box 169, LaBelle, MO 63447; LaBelle Senior Housing 660-341-7261    Equal Housing Opportunity/Handicap accessible.        (tf)