National 4-H Week

October 12, 2022

The Ten Mile 4-H Club celebrated National 4-H week October 2-8 and set up a booth at Orscheln’s in Canton on October 8 to display information about 4-H. Pictured are Ten Mile 4-H Club members Laiten and Lillyana Lay with their father Wesley Lay. The girls talked about some of their 4-H projects. Lillyana’s projects include sewing and arts and crafts. Laiten’s projects include beekeeping.  Wesley Lay assisted with questions about how to join 4-H and gave contact information to those wanted to learn more about the 4H clubs. Lay also helped pass out cool 4-H items that included 4-H stickers, cups, frisbees, window stickers and bookmarks.

There are currently five 4-H Clubs in Lewis County: Monticello 4-H Club; Oyster Prairie 4-H Club; Pleasant Grove 4-H Club; Ten Mile 4-H Club and Walnut Grove 4-H Club.

Anyone interested in joining 4-H in Lewis County can contact the Lewis County MU Extension Office at 573-767-5273 or email