Post 170 Honors Richard Pace And Veterans
Otto Bruner Post 170 held Memorial Day services at Forest Grove Cemetery in Canton on May 29 at the gazebo area. Special tribute was paid to former Post 170 Commander Richard Pace who passed away in January 2023. Mr. Pace was a Vietnam Veteran and also a member of the The Old Guard, 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment. He rode the lead horse with the funeral caisson carrying President Kennedy in late November 1963. Barb accepted a plaque honoring her husband presented by David Blickhan and several people spoke tributes about his service to his country and his life. Also attended pictured are members of the Pace family, Stuart and Jaxson Pace with Barb Pace, Kelly and Scott Pace. Also pictured the guest speaker Judge Corey Moon, chaplain Jim Lewellen, and Otto Post members with a gun salute. Veteran Dave Bader and Kay also attended the service.
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