Canton FFA Trap Shooting Team

October 26, 2023

The Canton FFA Trap shooting team finished their season on September with a 16th place finish at Districts with a score of 437/500. Trey Fryer placed 6th overall individually with a score of 97. The team competed at various locations throughout the season.

The season started with a meet at West Quincy on September 2nd hosted by Canton and Lewis County C-1. Some highlights were Trey Fryer and Brendon Welker had a 25 straight, the team placed 1st overall and Trey Fryer placed 2nd High Individual and Wyatt Roberts placed 5th Individual. 

On September 9th the team competed at two trap events the first was held in Memphis at Lake Show-Me. Next the team traveled to Boscos in Lancaster for the Schuyler Co trap shoot. Trey Fryer had a 49/50 with a 25. September 16th the team competed at Community R-6. Trey Fryer finished 2nd High Individual and the team placed 7th overall.

On September 23 the Canton FFA competed in a yearly tradition of facing off against Lewis County C-1 to compete head to head on their Home practice range. This year Canton hosted the event and all teams come to the Eagles Auxiliary in Canton.  All scores are averaged together and Lewis County C-1 was declared the Champions. The Area III trap shoot was held at Boscos in Lancaster. Trey Fryer and Drew Gottman each had a 25 straight at Area with a final score of 49/50.

Trey Fryer will be recognized at the Chapter Banquet this spring for High Individual shooter. Drew Logsdon will be recognized for Most Improved. The chapter and team will miss the 5 graduating seniors from the team: Trey Fryer, Brendon Welker, Robert Ellison, Trevor Morrall, and Jordan Berhorst.

Thank you to all the supporters throughout this trap shooting season. The team receives financial support from the Eagles, money is collected as Tips during the Gun Auctions and Canton FFA Alumni,  money is raised through the Alumni Auction held the first Saturday in March 2, 2024.