Canton R-V School District Notice of Meeting
A meeting will be held on May 30, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the Canton R-V Library for organizations and parents of students who are parentally placed. In accordance with the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) in December of 2004, the obligation for meeting the state and federal requirements for the provision of services to parentally-placed private school children with disabilities requires that the Canton R-V School District hold a consultation meeting with parents and representatives of private schools within the school district. During this consultation meeting it will be determined how the proportionate share of federal funds will be used to serve children identified as having a disability. Additionally, the specifics of how, where, and by whom special education and related services will be provided will be discussed. If you have questions regarding this notice please contact Darla Gaus, Special Education Director at 573-288-5216.
In Missouri, home-schooled children are included in this population.
The LEA shall make the final decisions with respect to the services to be provided to eligible private school children.
Missouri Constitution and case law prohibit the provision of services, equipment, materials, or personnel on the premises of a private school unless provided in a neutral location.
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