FFA Tractor Restoration Wins Gold
September 28, 2024

During the 2023-2024 School year, the Canton Agriculture Education class, Ag Power resorted an Allis Chalmers WD 45. The Canton FFA Chapter received the Allis Chalmers from Dan and Rose Fitzhugh. The FFA Chapter received a $500 donation from Tractor Supply to help cover costs related to the project. The tractor was designed to be painted blue and yellow to represent the National FFA Colors. The tractor will remain on display at the Canton Agriculture Education Building.
Canton R-V students spent many hours sanding, priming, and painting to restore the tractor. The radiator was sent to Hardy’s Radiator for inspection. Jere Taylor and Dennis Mayor oversaw the restoration process and assisted with the project. Major repairs include the hydraulic system, carburetor, spark plug tune-up kit, new rear and front tires donated by The Tire Shop, welding the fender and replacing brake pedal shaft by Hannibal Votech students, painting the hood, radiator, and fenders completed by Mohr’s Collision Care, replacing the steering system, removing the tractor loader and repairing the frame, replacing the seat suspension system, purchasing a new battery and battery box, replacing the starter drive Bendix, replacing gauges, new sediment bowl, new oil filter, new belts and hoses, The most exciting part of the project is getting to hear the engine run for the first time. Students not only learned how to paint, prime, and restore a tractor but they also learned teamwork and relying on each other to get the project done.
The tractor was exhibited at the Lewis County Fair before being taken to the Missouri State Fair. Past Chapter President Robert Ellison was interviewed at the Missouri State Fair with the tractor.
Class Members included: Ayden Bliss, Jordan Berhorst, Robert Ellison, Lynden English, Mason Shepherd, Brendon Welker, Wyatt Anderson, Chris Alspaw, Bryce Baker, Dale Berhorst, Carter Cale, Brayden Downs, Daemien Edgars, Ben Kaylor, Evan McAfee, Noah McIntosh.
Canton R-V students spent many hours sanding, priming, and painting to restore the tractor. The radiator was sent to Hardy’s Radiator for inspection. Jere Taylor and Dennis Mayor oversaw the restoration process and assisted with the project. Major repairs include the hydraulic system, carburetor, spark plug tune-up kit, new rear and front tires donated by The Tire Shop, welding the fender and replacing brake pedal shaft by Hannibal Votech students, painting the hood, radiator, and fenders completed by Mohr’s Collision Care, replacing the steering system, removing the tractor loader and repairing the frame, replacing the seat suspension system, purchasing a new battery and battery box, replacing the starter drive Bendix, replacing gauges, new sediment bowl, new oil filter, new belts and hoses, The most exciting part of the project is getting to hear the engine run for the first time. Students not only learned how to paint, prime, and restore a tractor but they also learned teamwork and relying on each other to get the project done.
The tractor was exhibited at the Lewis County Fair before being taken to the Missouri State Fair. Past Chapter President Robert Ellison was interviewed at the Missouri State Fair with the tractor.
Class Members included: Ayden Bliss, Jordan Berhorst, Robert Ellison, Lynden English, Mason Shepherd, Brendon Welker, Wyatt Anderson, Chris Alspaw, Bryce Baker, Dale Berhorst, Carter Cale, Brayden Downs, Daemien Edgars, Ben Kaylor, Evan McAfee, Noah McIntosh.
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