Church and College Celebrate Together

February 14, 2025
The Culver-Stockton College Concert Choir led by Dr. Andrew Schroetter, Assistant Professor of Music, provided special music during traditional annual visit to the Canton Christian Church to celebrate the covenant between the College and the Christian Church The Culver-Stockton College Concert Choir led by Dr. Andrew Schroetter, Assistant Professor of Music, provided special music during traditional annual visit to the Canton Christian Church to celebrate the covenant between the College and the Christian Church

For over 171 years, Culver-Stockton College has stood as a beacon of educational and historical significance, weathering the storms of the Civil War and the Great
Depression, while consistently championing social equality and embracing technological advancements. The annual visit to the Canton Christian Church to celebrate the covenant between the College and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was held Sunday, February 9, 2025. 
The importance of the College’s ties to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was affirmed through the service. “On this annual occasion we gather to affirm the enduring significance of Culver-Stockton College and its deep-rooted ties to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), “ said Dr. Lauren Schellenberger, President. “The bond between the College and the Church stands as a testament to our shared values of service, commitment, and community.”
This year’s service welcomed Rev. Dr. Paul Koch, Regional Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Mid-America, to share the message in the worship titled Being Salt and Light. The service also included special music by the Culver-Stockton College Concert Choir led by Dr. Andrew Schroetter, Assistant Professor of Music.
Rev. Koch has provided emotional and spiritual care for individuals and congregations for 25 years. He feels blessed that, for the past three years, he has done this as Regional Minister in the Christian Church of Mid-America, relating to communities in northeast and central Missouri. Based in Moberly, he has also served in Disciples of Christ, United Church of Christ and interfaith ministries in Columbia, Des Moines, and Huntsville, Alabama.