Maywood News

Maywood News is a weekly feature in our paper brought to you by:
Loretta Bringer
This has been a week of weather varieties,. and this morning we had beautiful snow flurries in the air, and it was not sticking on anything. We have had cold and windy weather and this week we are promised sub-zero temperatures.
It was reported today that Rodney Stumb is at home and feeling better.
There was exciting news this week about road Number Six at the 18-wheeler. The signs are going up for the road work that will start this month. The completion date should be in May unless there are weather or other delays. It will be inconvenient for a while and yet so nice to have traffic open and repaired. It may take more time, and we must be patient with the construction.
I was asked this week how many historic houses remain in Maywood. Please remember the ones I am naming is only back eighty years, and I may have called them by a different name.
South Union Baptist church was organized in 1860, and the current building was built in 1893 in the center of Maywood. It is in good repair and still has services. I remember twenty-two of the pastors and when the attendance was so large children sat on the floor.
The old Maywood Store and Post Office and the home of Arthur and Baby Sis is being remodeled for a new restaurant in town and will be a great asset to the community. The old bank building still stands and recently was a post office and that has closed. The building across from the store that was a car dealer, auction house is now a machinery and storage building. The Cason home is still lived in, and the Wiseman’s still have homes on the hills of Maywood. The old school is still standing with people living in it and was not in operation when I was a child because the new school was built for all age groups. The Loudermilk home has people living in it and they have made many improvements. The Jackson house next to store in Maywood was sold, moved west of Maywood and in disrepair that may not be restorable.
For my part this sums it all up and like many small towns the growth stopped, and time and traffic passed by. It is where I grew up and have many fond memories of what I once had. Maywood will always be home to me.
“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things but just look what they can do when they stick together.”
Vista Kelly
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