Ewing News

Betty Fifer
Looks like the terrible cold weather of last week has left the area, maybe gone for good this season as it we have warm temperature, although we haven’t had a bad winter, We had a quiet week, went to Quincy for groceries and medicines.
I’ve heard of a fundraiser being planned in the area. At heartland Nutrition. They are planning a steak dinner and as soon as I know the date, I’ll put it in my news. The Nutrition Center is very important to the citizens of Lewis County who rely on them for meals. The delivered meals help seniors and others who can’t get out or who are unable to prepare their own meals. Donations are so important, so if you can help in any way please contact Heartland Nutrition site in Ewing. They also need volunteers, any amount of time or money is appreciated. It is something that the citizens of Lewis County can do to help their friends and neighbors
Let’s check on my Grandma Shires diary from back in 1943
July 1, 1943: Washed and ironed. Worked some in the garden. Gathered a bucket of green beans. July 2: Canned 20 quarts of beans. Mowed a little on the yard. July 3: Two sows had pigs this week. Mowed yard, terribly hot. Rained here in evening.
July 4: Neta and Norma (Muegge) and Maxine and children were up afternoon. Big rain last nite. First one for two weeks. They brought ice cream, terribly hot. Third sow has pigs. July 5: big rain this morning. Put up 14 quarts of beans, little cooler. Cleared up. Last two sows had pigs, 11 apiece. Altogether 46.
July 6: put 10 quarts more of beans. Worked in garden afternoon. Wayne cleared off pea patch. Louise and Milton were up, while they went to Quincy. July 7. Planted rest of pea patch in beans. Worked all day in garden. July 8: planted more beans. Working in garden. Clarence started combining wheat about noon.
July 9: got done combining wheat. I canned 19 quarts of beans. July 10: hot, Clarence combined Rye. Went to town at night. July 11: This is Bettie’s birthday. Clarence is combining rye. Faylene and Ray were down afternoon.
July 12: Clarence is combining oats. Finished hoeing grass out of corn. Mowed yard at other place. July 13: Clarence is combining. I mowed yard and back yard here at home; July 14: Clarence plowed this field of corn north of house last time. I done odd jobs, cooler. Looked like rain early in the morning.
Betty Fifers writes the 'Ewing News' which is a weekly column that appears in our printed version of the Press-News Journal
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