Women Livestock Producers Sessions Offered

March 21, 2025

University of Missouri Extension’s Pearls of Production committee is hosting five virtual sessions for women livestock producers across the state over the next few months.
Although the content is created for women producers, all producers are welcome to attend.
The first “Pixels for Production” session is 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, and focuses on small ruminants like goats and sheep. “Without proper biosecurity measures, diseases can spread rapidly, leading to production losses, increased veterinary costs and even livestock mortality,” said David Brown, MU Extension small ruminant specialist. In addition, Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, DVM, will discuss when to call a veterinarian for small ruminants during her talk, “When to Dial the Doc”.
“We’re introducing ‘Chick-Chat,’ a 20-minute session prior to the start of each virtual session (6:40 p.m.) to talk with other producers,” said Heather Conrow, MU Extension livestock specialist and Pearls of Production committee chair. “If virtual sessions aren’t
your cup of tea, we are also providing ‘barn locations’ to attend the session from a local extension office. 
During registration, you will be able to list the counties you would be
interested in traveling to.” Barn locations are in Lewis, Howard, Callaway, Wright, Ray, Atchison and Jackson counties.
“We are hoping to meet women where they are for five different sessions and then come together for the in-person Pearls of Production conference November 8 at the University of Missouri Beef Farm to learn hands-on techniques, network with other
women and make connections that last the entire year – until the next conference, when we can do it all over again,” said Conrow.
Dates and topics of the other virtual sessions: June 24: Beth Koster, MU outreach coordinator, “Stop the Bleed,” injury awareness. July 22: Allison Meyer, MU associate professor of nutritional physiology/ruminant nutrition, “Feeding and Managing Pregnant Beef Cows and Heifers for Calf Success.”
Sept. 23: Andrea Pitkin, DVM, Vaxxinova US, “Gut Health Issues? Let’s Talk About SRP, a Novel Technology.” Oct. 28:Joni Harper, MU Extension specialist, “Heroes to Hives,” helping veterans and
women producers establish beekeeping.
For more information on the conference and registration details, visit webpage: https://extension.missouri.edu/programs/pearls-of-production or contact Brenda Schreck, MU Extension Livestock Specialist in Lewis County at 573-767-5273 or schreckb@missouri.edu.