Preschool Taco Dinner

The St. Peters Early Childhood Learning Center has been serving the community for 46 years. Miss Carolyn has been the teacher for over 30 years. A fundraiser to help support the preschool will be held August 17 at the Lutheran Parish Hall. Serving will be from 4:30 to 7 p.m. and feature tacos, dessert, including soft serve ice cream, and drink. Cost is free will donations. Nancy Tiemann has organized several fundraisers over the years. Whitetails, CL and Ashley Feldkamp, donated for a raffle held July 4. Pictured with teacher Mrs. Carolyn Feldkamp, are the most recent graduates of the school, front row: Jasper, Kenzley and Weston, back row Adallee, Claire and Maverick.
School for 3-4 year olds is held three days a week and will begin September 3. Contact the church office at 573-655-4416 for more information.
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